
FlowChange is a recently established company in The Netherlands. The focus of the company is aerodynamic optimisation of wind turbine blades by means of measurements,  advanced  modelling and applying add-on technology. 

General blade types and sizes are running in the market from 11m to 68m, for 60kW to 6MW respectively. Apart from generic class 2 and class 3 sites, the recent years show a clear market demand for more site specific applications. Trends are shown towards high mountain areas, low density sites, and low wind speed classes. 

Optimisation in terms of aerodynamics / energy yield for these locations is required to benefit potential oversizing. A need for aerodynamic fine-tuning for a certain application envelope!

FlowChange is your partner in maximizing energy yield. We do this for existing blade designs, for which the outer shape is frozen. But moreover also for new integrated blade to turbine concepts to adapt for your requirements.

All FlowChange projects are customized in an interactive process with you as our customer. Our main goal is you being able to capitalize your wind energy at its maximum!